Il y a trop de CARAVANES sur nos routes. Everywhere you drive with your normal car, you must go slow becos you are behind such a caravan. Or behind a camion next to a caravan. Or behind a caravan that is over taking a camion. THERE ARE TWO MANY CARAVANS!!! They are blogging the streets. It is insupportable!

This is why I make this site TWO MANY CARAVANS!

Pourquoi pas les laisser ici, dans un grand parking, ou chez les particuliers? Il existe de l’hivernage,  winter stalling, storage, non? Il faut être c*n de rouler des 100aines de km avec une caravane.

Plis give me you idees over this subject!
Also, send me many pictures and films over caravans. Plus translation in other language. Espécialement in Hollandais, because there is many caravans from the Pays Bas in our roads.

4 commentaires

  1. 1. I am not aware of having an abnormal car (in fact I owe a Renault Laguna GT GrandTou0
    2. Caravans aren’t blogging but blocking. (blogging is something you do on the internet)
    3. Espécialement is in the English language « Especially »
    4. It should be: « There are many caravans from the Neterlands », instead of « There is many caravans from the Pays Bas.
    5. It should be:  » on our roads » and not « in our roads ».
    6. Just think of it, that France is the most popular country for the Dutch to go on vacation and that they bring a lot of money to your country.
    7. Have you ever calculated how much time you have lost behind a caravan? In daily practice this is as good as nothing.

    Kind regards,


  2. Vliedje? That is not normal name. I wright reponse to your questions:

    1. You have normal car, but it is abnormal to do caravan behind.
    2. 2manycaravans is blogging the Internet
    3. You are especially too clever for someone called Vliedje.
    4. It should be ‘Netherlands’ in stead of ‘Neterlands’
    5. It should be not in our roads but in YOUR roads.
    6. The Hollandais can come bring there money. But not there caravans.
    7. I have no time to calculate behind caravan. I am too bizzy being angry.

  3. Ce site est d’une stupidité sans nom !!!

    • Mais non, monsieur! Ce site est d’une stupidité inspiré par les caravaniers. Et son nom est 2manycaravans. Bientôt, nous parlerons de votre propre site ici, et vous seriez fameux parmi les Hollandais.

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